

  • RYT 200

Mackenzie was first introduced to yoga at age 10 by her mom and an elementary teacher. After that, she developed her own personal practice at 16 before completing her 200hr teacher training at 18. For Mackenzie, it is important to leave all thoughts at the door, but to accept and acknowledge anything that may come up on the mat. She believes that the mat should be a safe and welcoming place to step onto, however she encourages you to challenge yourself by finding your edge.

What is something you strongly dislike that most people love?

Burgers - they’re way too messy

What do you think your phone wallpaper would tell us about you?

That I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.

What lesson took you the longest to unlearn?

Not everyone is going to like you and you have to accept it. For the longest time I would try so hard to be perfect and “relatable” to the point where I couldn’t recognize myself. I would put others before myself just to make sure everyone else was content. When I finally could see how harmful this was to myself, I slowly worked on learning to love and accept myself the way I am. As long as I like me, I know I’ll be okay.

What is Mackenzie up to post REAL TIME with On and Off the Mat with Friends?

You can join Mackenzie at Oxygen Yoga and Fitness Tsawwassen on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings or Saturday Mornings. You can also find her at Oxygen Yoga New Westminster on Thursday or Saturday evenings.

Outside of yoga, Mackenzie is currently furthering her education in music at a post secondary level; her intention is to work to becoming a music therapist.
