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 JAcquoline Martin (SHE/HER)

  • 200 HR RYT

  • Certified Barre Instructor

  • BCRPA Personal Trainer 

I wasn’t always fit; in fact, no where near it. 

For many years of my life, I was overweight (at my heaviest, 300+ lbs). My weight loss journey inspired me to divulge into the world of fitness. My intent is to help people find a healthier lifestyle - from the inside out.

What do you think your phone wallpaper would tell us about you?

My wallpaper immediately screams that I’m an anime nerd, ha ha. Front screen? Naruto. Back screen? Naruto. I’ve been watching it for 20 years. Never going to change.

What fast food restaurant are you most likely to drive through? What’s would you order? 

I don’t drive due to my medical condition, but if I do go with my friends.. it’s usually a Tim Horton’s. You can count on me to always order a large double-double (and if hungry, I’ll probably pop a bagel on the side with that too!)

What’s been the best compliment a stranger has ever given you? 

It was someone I really didn’t expect. She was a very quiet woman who always kept to herself in my classes. But then one day, she walked up to me and said “you are sunshine. You are my light.”